Bible Translations
- The King James Bible
The New King James Version - The Youngs Literal Translation
- Amplified Bible Translation
TeNaCH (Old Testament)
- TeNaCH
(the Old Testament in Hebrew) - De Septuagint (LXX)
(the Old Testament in Greek) - De Septuagint
(the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament in English)
(An Aramaic paraphrase of the TeNaCH in English)
New Testament
- The New Testament in Greek
Link 1
Link 2 - Peshitta (Aramaic)
Peshitta (In English) - The New Testament in Hebrew
Link 1 (Delitsch translation)
Link 2 (The new simple translation – Tirgum Chadash)
Bibles with Strong numbers for self-study
- Net Bible
- Strongnumbers Strongs Hebrew / Greek- English dictionary
- Gesenius Lexicon Gesenius Hebrew – English dictionary and lexicon
Free Bible software with Strong numbers for self-study
- E-sword (More Information about E-sword and other recommended modules)
Free Audio Bibles (MP3 and other formats)
To listen to or download onto a PC, Ipod or copy onto CDs.
- The New Living Translation Listen online to the New Living Translation, New King James Version or King James Version
- TeNaCH (the Old Testament in Hebrew)
Briet Chadasja (the New Testament in simple Hebrew)
LXX (The Septuagint in English)
Listen to the Bible 24/7 (King James Version and New International Version)
Audio books
Other links that are worth the effort
- Tora en Haftara The weekly cycle of Tora portions and accompanying portions from the prophetic books
- Jewish Encyclopedia
- How can we be convinced that Jesus is the Messiah? by Risto Santala
- Biblical maps
- Blue Letter Bible
- Sandy Heemskerk (Art inspired by Gods Word)
If any of these links are not working correctly, please contact the webmaster.