The origin of our weekly church service


The origin of our weekly church service lies in the Bible in the book of Exodus. In Exodus 12, God instructs Israel to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days, with a holy convocation (coming together) on the first and last days (Exodus12:16). This is the first time in the Bible that we come across the word……

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Sons of Belial

Growing up without God’s yoke on your life

In 1 Samuel 2:12 we read that Eli’s two sons did not know the Lord. The word ‘know’ also means ‘recognise’ or ‘acknowledge’. These men did not have a relationship with God and lived as if He did not exist. The Bible calls them sons of Belial (corrupt or useless). The Hebrew……

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The eye of the needle

What was Jesus referring to when He talked about “going through the eye of a needle”? In Matthew 19:24 Jesus said: “And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” What exactly did He mean by “the eye……

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The Rock that Rolled with Israel


The apostle Paul regularly uses stories from the Torah to explain things to his listeners. As a Rabbi himself and a student or disciple of the famous Rabbi Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) he had learnt that many events were not only of historical significance, but that they were ‘shadows’ of things to come. Many of the so called ‘histories’ in……

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The significance of the 153 fish

For centuries experts have been fascinated by the story of the miraculous catch of fish in the gospel of John chapter 21, in which exactly 153 fish were found in the nets.

The story takes place just after Jesus resurrection from the dead. He revealed himself to seven of his disciples by the sea of Tiberias (otherwise known as the……

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The Gospel in Noah’s geneaology

In Genesis 5 we find a genealogy of the 10 generations from Adam to Noah.
The names in the genealogy form the whole  gospel in a nutshell.
1. Adam means man in English. 2. Seth is next in line after Adam. Seth’s name means set, placed and appointed. You will find a reference to this in Gen 4:25,……

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The Binding of Isaac

Akedat Jitschak

עֲקֵידַת יִצְחַק
Genesis 22:1-19


This story is so often represented from a Christian perspective, as the story of Abraham’s incredible love for and faith in God. However, it has far more depth than many of us realise. It is a powerful messianic prophecy presented in the first book of the Bible. Unfortunately it is misrepresented in……

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How to use a Strong’s Concordance


The Strong’s concordance is a very useful tool for studying the scriptures. You can find the Strong’s Concordance in most any Bible bookstore. It takes every single word of the King James Version and lists where each word can be found in the scriptures. It is useful for locating Scripture verses that you know the words to, but don’t……

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